
Showing posts from June, 2021


  VAPORIZERS FOR CONSUMING CANNABIS: Normally vapour produced from cannabis is inhaled via a pipe or a hose. This vapour produced by the portable vaporizer is much stronger when compared to the smoke from the original source from rolling a cigarette paper, or from employing a  bong or any other methods.  A cannabis vaporizer gives you a feeling of great satisfaction and an overall gratifying new consumer experience.   Wolkenkraft ARIS Portable Vaporizer   LEGAL ISSUES WITH HERBAL VAPORIZERS: Firstly for recreational purposes It is legal to purchase herbal vaporizers in Australia together with the accessories associated with them. Most herbal vaporizers are very simple to operate, and come with easy to follow instructions. With a huge range to choose from, it is not difficult to track down one that will suit your particular needs. The Portable Vaporizers now available adds to the selection available in Australia.  VAPOUR QUALITY: Should you choose to Buy Portable Vaporizers for consu


 How would you discover the best Vaporizer Australia can offer? Although this is a hard question to answer, you can narrow the search with some research. Herbal Vaporizers come under many brand names, each with many designs, so it is a hard choice even for the experienced buyer. Some are unsure what to buy and may be content with the first vaporizer they encounter. This could prove to be an expensive error. It is critical you do sufficient research to make sure you settle on the perfect vaporizer for your requirements. If you buy a Portable Vaporizer , make sure it not only satisfies, but also operates efficiently & fits your budget perfectly.   Wolkenkraft Portable Vaporizer   WHAT YOUR VAPORIZER SHOULD DO:   1. Should be Easy to Use The criteria for the best vaporizer must include functionality, meaning it must be easy to use. Remember you will be making your selection from a large number of new designs currently available on the Vaporizer market. Using a vaporizer to vaporize


What exactly  does Vaporizer Technology mean? In layman terms, let us consider the concept of vaporization. When one applies heat to any liquid and it reaches its boiling point, with all the other variables being stable, for example the pressure, each of the molecules receive sufficient energy to overcome all the forces binding them in the state of liquidity. They escape as individuals molecules of vapour up to when this whole process of vaporization is finished. For any thing in a liquid state, this is referred to as boiling. Every substance has a specific amount of heating that needs to be applied to cause vaporization of a given amount. This heat quantity is commonly referred to as the latent heat of vaporization. Cannabis is also governed by this principle, where all the alkaloids are contained within the moisture content of the substance.    Wolkenkraft Portable Vaporizer   VAPORIZER CALIBRATION:  The quantity of heat required to turn a gram of water into steam, at its boiling poi


 Herbal Vaporizers were first introduced to Australia around 2006, into an already established legal climate and negative community attitude about the growing access to new strains of hydroponic cannabis. It represented a brave and innovative plan by the company involved. At precisely the same time, new draconian laws were implemented into some states of Australian states in the 21st Century greatly curtailing the activities of so called head shops, with the sale of bongs and all manner of marijuana consuming paraphernalia. The effect of this legislation created an atmosphere where bongs and components of them were made illegal in some Australian states. So where does the legal status of Portable Vaporizers fit into all this activity?   Wolkenkraft Portable Vaporizer   Selling Herbal Vaporizers into this legal swamp became a huge problem for the companies involved. However these Vaporizers can also be utilized for the acquisition of the alkaloids existing in many other herbal materia

Are Vaporizers Legal in Australia?

  Australia has witnessed a good deal of hysteria around the increase in so called "hydroponic cannabis" and the physical and psychological effects on the consumer. This is now a favourite topic in some sections of the media, and the source of consternation to the general public as a reaction to the media exposure. Hydroponic marijuana has been developed and championed by entrepreneurs in a selection of countries with open drug laws. Holland and some parts of Canada have been notable for their contribution. The introduction of Herbal Vaporizers, and more recently Portable Vaporizers , in combination with the targeted application of new scientific data, new powerful lights, and potent hydroponic strains have produced cannabis with more THC content, with 20% now almost the norm.   Wolkenkraft Mini Blue Portable Vaporizer   THE RISE OF INDOOR CANNABIS: With inclement climate together with increased scrutiny of law enforcement agencies in some Northern hemisphere countries, i